Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Drug Decriminalization in Portugal

Something about the Portuguese experience, several years after the law's been promulgated , in a country where experiments are not generally welcome, and when commented and analysed abroad, not generally praised. Has the sacred golden rule been broken?

Descriminalização das drogas em Portugal
Algo sobre a experiência portuguesa, vários anos depois da lei ter sido promulgada, num país onde os experimentos não são geralmente bemvindos, e quando analizados e comentados no estrangeiro, geralmente não são louvados. Será que a sagrada regra de ouro foi quebrada?


White Paper

April 2, 2009

Drug Decriminalization in Portugal:
Lessons for Creating Fair and Successful Drug Policies

by Glenn Greenwald

On July 1, 2001, a nationwide law in Portugal took effect that decriminalized all drugs, including cocaine and heroin. Under the new legal framework, all drugs were "decriminalized," not "legalized." Thus, drug possession for personal use and drug usage itself are still legally prohibited, but violations of those prohibitions are deemed to be exclusively administrative violations and are removed completely from the criminal realm. Drug trafficking continues to be prosecuted as a criminal offense.->Read the rest here

Cato podcast - Drug Decriminalization in Portugal

Drug Decriminalization in Portugal by Glenn Greenwald - White Paper (Pdf format)